onsdag den 28. november 2012

How to treat danes.

We in Denmark are lovely people, once you get to know us. So get to know us by this subjective and probably useless list of do's and don'ts when dealing with danes.

a) We are very nice and polite people so people who are nice and polite always score points with Danes. 

BUT you cannot be too nice or TOO polite. If there's something we can't stand it's FAKERY. No hugging or kissing people you don't know, no displays of emotions that aren't real. Nothing is more annoying. Don't yell "Oh how nice to see you" "Or "You have a lovely day" if you are just saying it for something to say.

b) Don't brag.

 In Denmark we think that all people are of equal value NO MATTER how pretty, rich or succesful they are. That is also my opinion. So thinking that we should treat you with more respect because you make money will make us despise you. DO NOT ask us how much money we make, because that will paint you as a douchebag who cares only for status and greed. It is never okay to praise yourself or put yourself higher than anyone else. We do appreciate people who word hard or are creative, but we don't think you have earned one iota more respect that ANYONE else. So if you think you're better than a drunk on the street do not come here.

c) Don't compare us unfavourably to your own country. 

That goes double for americans. In denmark w basically think that the american system is...not...good. I realize that YOU think the US is wonderful And it is in many ways. I don't like it but I wouldn't say that in USA, I would find the good things and praise the shit out of them. You are allowed to critisize danish society all you want, but do it as a dane not as someone longing for another system.

d) Don't be offended too easily.

 In denmark we can sometimes use the word "negro"to describe someone. We don't have a history of civil unrest or discrimination like america or other countries.(Though we are discrimating against immigrants and their kids). Does that mean you should accept being called something you dislike? NO. But explain WHY you don't like the word and we will fall in line. We just do not have the same relationship with words that you do. Same with the word "fuck". We use it all the time and to us it is no big deal. Also do not assume that because we're standoffish or won't talk to you on the bus that we're xenophobics. We do not talk to each other on public tranportation and anyone attemptimg to do so will be stamped as a nutter.

e) Compliment us.

We're a small country so we're used to fighting for attention. If you compliment anything about our country we will love you forever. But here is the catc: YOU HAVE TO MEAN IT! Remember a? We can't stand fakeness. So only be nice if you are nice.

to be continued...

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