tirsdag den 13. november 2012

Things that annoy me while sitting in a bus.

1. When you chew gum.

2. When you chew gum with your mouth open.

3. When you are sucking on some sort of candy.

4. When you are singing. I don't care if you are good, it's still blood curdling.

5. When you kiss. Look I know that you think that people will find it cute and maybe even hot. But the fact is that it isn't. It's awful. Listening to two peple sucking and licking and moving their various mouth organs is yucky. 

6. When you speak loudly about how drunk you were last night.

7- When you describe sexual exploits. Same as the kissing, if you're not doing it it's yucky. And if you're 15 please realize that to a 30 yo woman it's like listening to a child. And that is yucky.

8. When you loudly descibe the hot girls you like. I'm sorry but I don't like women and I don't like you talking about them as pieces of meat.

9. When you are screeching loudly with your 14 year old girlfriends. You sound like idiots, and you are annoying.

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