lørdag den 8. december 2012


I am afaid of anonymous. Not because I don't think thay they're a bunch of bored kids, but BECAUSE they are a bunch of bored kids. They have done so many good things. They have helped in the situations where people needed them the most.

 But here's the clincher: I don't think they did it because they CARE: I think they did it from sticking to their own ethical system. And that system is flawed. As a very, very sensititve person I shudder to think what they could do to me. And their reasoning will always be freedom of speach, that if you're on the intyernet ýou should tolerate dissent. But this is not dissent. It's terror. Hurting people for the "lulz": I mean what kind of a psychopath do you have to be to just willie nilly hurt people for your own amusement. And the scariest part is that they cannot be reasoned with. Their twisted ethics is NEVER, EVER questioned. They are smart, most of them, so debating against them quickly becomes a barrage of "commom sense" arguments. They honestly believe that it is okay to ridicule, bash and terrorize people just because they are on the internet. If you have your picture ANYWHERE they will put it up on Encyclopedia dramatica and make you into the object of ridicule. All behind the cover of their own ethics. They seeem to think that it's okay to hurt people as long as they "put themselves out there". I support the members of anonymous who are doing good things, but i cannot overlook the callous cruelty they display. So some might say "this isn't anonymous this is btards but they're one and the same. I can't stand that they try to stand for free speech but only for themselves.

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