fredag den 7. december 2012

The biggest assholes in tvhistory.

Why is the asshole in? Why can't  w see an ADULT in a role?

What a complete and utter wankbag. Oh you got a itty bitty leg that hurts a lot?? Feel free to be a dick to everyone. I don't give a shit about your leg, so shut your unshaven , dirt face. Why are everyone so accepting of this giant douche? Oh I get it he's a geeenious, so we must accept being trodden on by his wickle hurty feet. it doesn't help that he's being played by Hugh Laurie, one of the nicest men in england.

Patrick Jane:

Now this is a grade a douchebag. Oh wanna use people and damage them forever just so you can possibly catch someone that you could probably catch anyway. The reason that he is a bigger dick than house is that he  is alwayse smiling in that smug way. " Oh I offend you because i'm a dick well somethings wrong with YOU " Shut up before I kick your face in Oh you wanna kick my fac in well something is wrong with you."

Cal Lightman:

Wow what a asshole. he acts like a spoiled child, screams, throw tantrums and he is smug to boot. What's worst is the condescending "sweetheart" he throws at women. Nice example for your daughter, pal. Dude if you're this much of a child you do not get to treat women as idiots.Speaking of your daughter, why do you treat her as if she' s a 5 year old?  He is so patronizing that it hurts and people just seem to accept that. Why is he so annoying? Probably because he never gets to be any other way. Why not cast an adult in a starring role, once in a while?

Why did women fall for this guy? He was a chauvinist pig, who tortured and broke down a very sick man. Whoopi for him. If he wasn't being a grade a asshole he was giving condescending advice, smiling and thinking aboyut hoe great he was.

The entire tanner family extended:
Wow what a buch off assholes. Why you ask. KIMMY GIBBLER. they treated this poor girl like shit.
 While they were super and i man SUPER PC about everything else, they appearantly saw nothing wrong in treating a child worse than their dog. It made no sense.

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